- 30 Apr 2023
- economy
A primary surplus of 3.079 billion euros was presented by the execution of the budget between January and March 2023, against a target for a primary surplus of 28 million euros and a primary deficit of 1.650 billion euros for the same period in 2022, according to the final data announced the Ministry of Finance.
In particular, according to the state budget execution data, on a modified cash basis, for the period January – March 2023, there is a surplus in the state budget balance of 220 million euros against a target for a deficit of 2,602 million euros that has been included for the corresponding period of 2023 in the introductory report of the 2023 Budget and a deficit of 3,884 million euros in the corresponding period of 2022.
The amount of net revenues of the state budget amounted to 16,842 million euros, showing an increase of 2,281 million euros or 15.7% compared to the target included for the corresponding period in the introductory report of the 2023 Budget.
This over-execution is mainly due to: (a) the increased tax revenues of the quarter, (b) the collection of an amount of 603 million euros from ANFAs, which was not foreseen in the introductory report of the 2023 Budget and (c) the increased revenues of the PDE.
The total revenues of the state budget amounted to 18,564 million euros, increased by 2,648 million euros or 16.6% against the target.
More specifically, the revenues of the major categories of the state budget are as follows:
The revenues of the "Taxes" category amounted to 13,609 million euros, increased by 1,436 million euros or 11.8% compared to the target included in the introductory report of the 2023 Budget. Part of this increase, amounting to approximately 470 million euros, concerns the extension of the deadline for the payment of traffic fees until the end of February 2023, while it was estimated that this amount would be collected during the month of December 2022. The remaining amount of the over-execution comes from the better performance of the income taxes of natural and legal persons, of the previous year collected in installments until the end of February 2023, as well as from the best performance of the current year's VAT.
In particular, the following are observed for the main taxes of this category:
VAT revenues amounted to 5,610 million euros and are increased against the target by 417 million euros.
The revenues of the Social Insurance Institutions amounted to 1,522 million euros and are reduced compared to the target by 34 million euros.
Real estate tax revenues amounted to 282 million euros and are short of the target by 67 million euros.
Income tax revenues amounted to 4,137 million euros, and are up against the target by 488 million euros.
The revenues of the "Social Contributions" category amounted to 14 million euros in line with the target.
III. The revenues of the "Transfers" category amounted to 3,869 million euros, increased by 815 million euros compared to the target included in the report of Budget 2023, mainly due to the collection of 603 million euros from ANFAs, as mentioned above. Of the above collected amount of 3,869 million euros, an amount of 1,443 million euros concerns PDE revenues, which are increased by 155 million euros compared to the target.
The revenue of the "Sales of goods and services" category amounted to 206 million euros, increased by 14 million euros compared to the target included in the introductory report of the 2023 Budget.
The revenues of the "Other current revenues" category amounted to 865 million euros, increased by 385 million euros compared to the target included in the introductory report of the 2023 Budget. Of these, an amount of 244 million euros concerns PDE revenues, which are increased by 187 million euros against the target.
In the category "Sales of fixed assets" no revenue was observed against the target of 2 million euros.
Revenue returns amounted to €1,721 million, up €368 million from the target (€1,354 million).
The revenues of the Public Investment Budget (PDE) amounted to 1,687 million euros, increased by 342 million euros from the target (1,345 million euros).
In particular, in March 2023 the total net revenues of the state budget amounted to 3,877 million euros, increased by 318 million euros against the monthly target, while the total revenues of the state budget amounted to 4,814 million euros, increased against the monthly target by 582 million euros.
More specifically, the revenues per major category of the state budget for March 2023 are as follows:
The income of the category "Taxes" amounted to 3,620 million euros, increased by 190 million euros or 5.6% against the target.
In particular, the following are observed for the main taxes of this category:
VAT revenues amounted to 1,503 million euros and are increased against the target by 88 million euros.
The revenues of the EFCs amounted to 543 million euros and are increased against the target by 5 million euros.
Real estate tax revenues amounted to 60 million euros and are 14 million euros short of the target.
Income tax revenues amounted to 989 million euros, and are up against the target by 120 million euros.
The revenues of the "Social Contributions" category amounted to 5 million euros in line with the target.
III. The revenues of the "Transfers" category amounted to 917 million euros, increased by 358 million euros compared to the target included in the introductory report of the 2023 Budget. An amount of 603 million euros concerns revenues from ANFAs, as mentioned above, while an amount of 263 million .euro concerns PDE revenues, which are reduced by 279 million euros compared to the target.
The revenue of the "Sales of goods and services" category amounted to 63 million euros, reduced by 5 million euros compared to the target included in the introductory report of the 2023 Budget.
The revenues of the "Other current revenues" category amounted to 210 million euros, increased by 40 million euros compared to the target included in the introductory report of the 2023 Budget. Of these, an amount of 8 million euros concerns PDE revenues, which are reduced by 10 million euros compared to the target.
Revenue refunds amounted to 938 million euros, increased by 264 million euros from the target (674 million euros) mainly due to the VAT refund to the Administrator of Renewable Energy Sources and Guarantees (DAPEEP) S.A. amounting to approximately 220 million euros, resulting from revenues collected by DAPEEP and attributed to the State by the Temporary Mechanism for Returning Part of Next-Day Purchase Revenues.
The revenues of the Public Investment Budget (PDE) amounted to 271 million euros, reduced by 289 million euros from the target (560 million euros).
The expenses of the State Budget for the period January - March 2023 amounted to 16,622 million euros and are shown reduced by 542 million euros compared to the target (17,164 million euros), which is included in the introductory report of the 2023 Budget, while they are shown increased , in relation to the corresponding period of 2022, by 775 million euros, mainly due to the increased transfers of the regular budget by 1,006 million euros.
In the section of the Regular Budget, the payments are shown reduced compared to the target by 368 million euros. This development is mainly due to the deferral of payments for equipment program expenditures amounting to 763 million euros.