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Fixed prices in the household basket and the godparents' basket
  • 30 Apr 2023
  • economy

In 96.02% of the products included in the "Household Basket", the prices are reduced or remain constant in the 24th week of its application (12/4/2023 -18/42023), which is also the second week of application of the "Basket of Easter" (includes, in addition to other products, lamb, goat, bun and chocolate eggs).

This is stated in an announcement by the Ministry of Development and Investments, and in particular it is noted that, from the total of 1206 products in the "Household Basket" (the number is increased because the Easter items are added):

-at 71, rate 5.89%, the price decreased,

-at 1087, 90.13%, the price remained stable

-and in 48, a rate of 3.98%, the price increased.

It is highlighted, even. that according to the official figures of the Central Markets and Fisheries Organization, wholesale prices for lamb and goat on Holy Monday 2023 were lower than on Holy Monday 2022 and even significantly so.

Detailed in the attached tables, the retail prices of lamb and goat in the "Easter Basket" and wholesale according to OKAA

Fixed prices in the godparents basket

"Third week of operation of the Godfather's Basket and the results are amazing, 19% of the toys have new reductions and 81% have fixed prices! I am glad that this initiative of ours also works in favor of consumers and especially our little friends".

This is what the Minister of Development and Investments Adonis Georgiadis says in his post on social media after his visit with Deputy Minister Nikos Papathanasis to game stores.

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