- 30 Apr 2023
- economy
The Smart Readiness Voucher Scheme action is entering the implementation phase, which concerns the provision of a subsidy of a total amount of 100 million euros, in order to upgrade the technological infrastructure of 120,000 buildings throughout the country.
Specifically, with this action part of the cost is subsidized for:
-Upgrading the internal wiring of the buildings so that they can receive ultra-high speed broadband services.
-The installation of infrastructures for the interconnection of new "smart" utility network meters (electricity, natural gas).
-The installation of infrastructures for the interconnection of appropriate sensors related to safety, the control of good operation and the taking of measurements related to the environmental footprint of the main communal facilities of the buildings (central heating boiler room and elevator).
-Works that will be carried out especially in single-family houses and multi-family houses if they are within the intervention areas and do not already have indoor optical cabling.
-Intervention areas are those through which a fiber optic network that can provide broadband services that can be immediately upgraded to 1 Gbps passes through or will pass through until 2026.
The buildings that can be subsidized will be determined based on the data submitted by the electronic communications providers throughout the action as often as necessary.
For this purpose, providers who wish to declare coverage points should be registered on the one hand in the "Program Information System", on the other hand in the "Broadband Map and Network Registry (XEMD)" Information System of the Ministry of Digital Governance, through which they will the Information System of the Program is updated.
The action was announced by the Information Society, with funds coming from the Recovery Fund.
Applications to register installers on the action's "Register of Installers" can be submitted until the closing date, which is Monday 30 June 2025.
Eligible buildings are single-family houses and multi-family houses under the following general conditions: They are located within the intervention area and do not already have indoor optical cabling, with the subsidy ranging from 60 - 200 euros.
The total amount of aid per building is determined based on the number of floors, horizontal properties and the category of work to be carried out.
Essentially, the logic of the Smart Readiness Voucher Scheme is to finance all or most of the work that will install optical fiber inside each apartment, which will come from the building's distributor, and at the same time the creation of infrastructure, which will allow the installation of "smart" electricity and natural gas meters.