With the completion of the process of payment of the increased pensions, 1.7 million pensioners saw after 12 years
"The advance bookings of January are 20% above '22 at the moment" emphasized the Minister of Tourism Vassilis Kikilias, estimating that "the extension of the tourist season is a great success as it brings new income to the economy, in periods that were traditionally off season" .
Read more: B. Kikilias: We extended the tourist season and this brought new income to the economy
Greek exports ended 2022 with a new historical record and with a significant increase (36.7%), continuing the strong upward trend they have been following for the last few years.
Read more: Record exports, but also a large deficit in the balance
One of the most important topics in the news is still the initiative of the Ministry of Development and Investments and the Supermarket Chains for the "household basket" according to IELKA.
Read more: Almost two out of three consumers shop from the 'household basket'
The strengthening of international interconnections and domestic electricity transmission infrastructures remain top strategic priorities in the Ten-Year Development Program 2024-2033 of ADMIE.
Read more: International connections at the heart of the 10-year program