A message of optimism that the Greek economy will cope with the difficulties it has to face due to the energy crisis and inflation, since, as he said, "it has built stronger dykes against external pressures", the Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister, Yannis Bratakos, sent in his speech at the dinner of the Industrial Chamber of Thessaloniki for the celebration of the new year.
Room for a lower primary result in 2022 than the 1.6% of GDP that was the target, December budget execution data show, according to which at the end of last year, the primary deficit was €6.676 billion against target 8.506 billion euros.
Read more: The 12-month primary deficit was limited to 6.6 billion
One of the highest performances of the last nine months was recorded in December 2022 by the economic sentiment index, which rose to 104.3 points, compared to 101.4 points in November, according to the economic sentiment survey of the Institute for Economic & Industrial Research.
Read more: Significant improvement in the economic climate in December
The European Central Bank predicts that wage growth - a key indicator of where inflation is headed - will be "very strong" in the coming quarters. However, this growth will be "scissored" by inflation, while boosting forecasts for more interest rate increases.
Read more: Strong wage increases are coming - Interest rates rally again
The trade balance deficit jumped to 35.15 billion euros in the 11th month of 2022, recording an increase of 58.6%, as despite the "jump" in exports, imports remain at high levels.