The average General Index of the twelve months March 2022 - February 2023, compared to the corresponding index of the twelve months March 2021 - February 2022, showed an increase of 29.4%.
The Ministry of Infrastructure has published the Conclusion of the Committee of Experts established to investigate and highlight the systemic problems and malfunctions regarding the railway accident with fire, which took place on 02-28-2023 at the entrance to the Tempe Valley.
"Greece is a European success story. But the prime minister may not get credit for it in the upcoming elections," writes the Economist in one of its articles on Greece.
The Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Maria Syregela, puts things in order regarding the creation of structures and accommodation centers for abused women.
Regular budget revenue stood at 13,898 million euros, up from 11,842 million euros last year. Regarding regular budget expenditures, they amounted to 15,454 million euros.